The catch-cry is the same the world over. "Our boys" - that is, those in the military - must be supported above all else. They are the ones who sacrifice their lives for "our" country, etc. etc. You've heard it again and again! So, what to make of this by the GOP in the USA?
"This week, which marks the 9th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, let us note one of many crimes committed by the recently released GOP budget written by Rep. Paul Ryan: In the nearly 100-page document, the word "veteran" does not appear. But veterans are there: They face $11 billion in cuts.
"For those of us who served, in many ways, yesterday is today. And today, we read that the GOP doesn't even talk about veterans in their budget."
"For those of us who served, in many ways, yesterday is today. And today, we read that the GOP doesn't even talk about veterans in their budget."