In this day and age of WikiLeaks, the crackdown on those described as whistleblowers continues. Witness Peter Van Buren at the US State Department. It certainly doesn't pay to be honest and expose what governments don't want their citizenry to know.
But Van Buren maintains he's being singled out for "dirty tricks in retaliation" for embarassing his employer—a simple exercise of his free-speech rights. "It's hard for me to objectively look at this as anything other than revenge and vindictiveness," he told the Post.
In the book (part of which was published here at, Van Buren recounts how, as the leader of two Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Iraq, he was party to one tragicomic, Kafkaesque misstep after another: shipping trucks full of unwanted English-language books to Iraqis who promptly dumped them; distributing soccer balls that nobody would kick because they had Koranic verses printed on them; chilling out at the US embassy in Baghdad, the world's largest, playing lacrosse on a dead $2 million lawn."