Without a doubt the man of the week has to have been Sir Nicholas Stern, author in the UK of the Stern Review on climate change. PM Howard has, arrogantly and ignorantly, been rather dismissive of it of the Report.
"Tony Blair has called the Stern Review the most important report to ever have landed on his desk. Our Prime Minister says we shouldn't be 'mesmerised by it'.
It is the first comprehensive report on the economics of climate change, written by Sir Nicholas Stern, a former chief economist with the World Bank."
Thanks to Fran Kelly's interview on ABC Radio National's Breakfast program this morning you can hear from the architect of the report himself, Sir Nicholas Stern.
"Tony Blair has called the Stern Review the most important report to ever have landed on his desk. Our Prime Minister says we shouldn't be 'mesmerised by it'.
It is the first comprehensive report on the economics of climate change, written by Sir Nicholas Stern, a former chief economist with the World Bank."
Thanks to Fran Kelly's interview on ABC Radio National's Breakfast program this morning you can hear from the architect of the report himself, Sir Nicholas Stern.