"Barack Obama prides himself on consensus, soothing warring sides into agreement. But the fury directed at the robber barons by the robbed blind in America has been getting hotter, not cooler. And that’s because the president and his Treasury secretary have been coddling the Wall Street elite, fretting that if they curtail executives’ pay and perks too much, if they make the negotiations with those who siphoned our 401(k)’s too tough, the spoiled Sherman McCoys will run away, the rescue plan will fail and the markets will wither. (Now that Mr. Obama has made $8,605,429 on his books — including $500,000 for letting his memoir be condensed into a kids’ book — maybe he’s lost touch with his hole-in-the-shoe, hole-in-the-Datsun, have-not roots.)"
In the style of writing one has come to expect from Maureen Dowd, in her latest op-ed piece "Toxic R Us" in the NY Times she effectively challenges what Obama and his Treasury Secretary are doing - or rather not doing! - in the light of the "toxic" issues out in Main Street in relation to Wall Street's excesses and the tanking of the US economy.
In the style of writing one has come to expect from Maureen Dowd, in her latest op-ed piece "Toxic R Us" in the NY Times she effectively challenges what Obama and his Treasury Secretary are doing - or rather not doing! - in the light of the "toxic" issues out in Main Street in relation to Wall Street's excesses and the tanking of the US economy.