"Just when the ideas behind "Web 2.0" are starting to enter into the mainstream, the mass of brains behind the World Wide Web is introducing pieces of what may end up being called Web 3.0.
"Twenty years from now, we'll look back and say this was the embryonic period," said Tim Berners-Lee, 50, who established the programming language of the Web in 1989 with colleagues at CERN, the European science institute.
"The Web is only going to get more revolutionary," he told delegates Tuesday at the opening of the 15th annual International World Wide Web Conference".
If the revolution is on then read this article from the IHT and see where it - and all of we surfers - are headed.
Postscript: Berner-Lee is said not to have earned one bit cent by way of royalty from what was, in many ways, his discovery of the www.
"Twenty years from now, we'll look back and say this was the embryonic period," said Tim Berners-Lee, 50, who established the programming language of the Web in 1989 with colleagues at CERN, the European science institute.
"The Web is only going to get more revolutionary," he told delegates Tuesday at the opening of the 15th annual International World Wide Web Conference".
If the revolution is on then read this article from the IHT and see where it - and all of we surfers - are headed.
Postscript: Berner-Lee is said not to have earned one bit cent by way of royalty from what was, in many ways, his discovery of the www.