The abject failure of the West to take Turkey to task for increasing activities more consistent with a dictatorship than a democracy, clearly demonstrates politics, at its worst, in action. This piece from counterpunch explains.... "This interview was published in the Istanbul daily BirGun, on 25 March 2016. Onur Erem the journalist interviewing Tariq Ali has already been charged in court with insulting the leaders of the state, but the Judge ruled that the reference to Erdogan as a ātinpot dictatorā by Tariq Ali was within the limits of political debate. However, referring to the Prime Minister Davutoglu as a ājokerā was ruled unacceptable. Erem could face 14 months in prison, but he has appealed and is awaiting a final ruling. Meanwhile, newspapers are being banned by the regime and journalists harassed and imprisoned. Turkey is a member of NATO and currently being paid billions by the European Union to keep the Syrian refgugees and not let them travel to EU co...
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.