Some critical background details to the evident desire of the Americans - despite the protests otherwise - to go after and cripple the Iranians. Of course, the Israelis are clearly in the background geeing on the US to join in on attack on Iran - a country now much severely affected by the sanctions in place against it. "When the Bush-Cheney administration was in power, Dick Cheney tried hard to find an excuse for military attacks on Iran. After all, according to Gen. Wesley Clark, the former Supreme Allied Commander of NATO from 1997 to 2000, Cheney and other hawks had plans for attacking and destroying seven countries in the Middle East and North Africa over five years in order to transform them into U.S. client states, and he wanted to “accomplish” as much as possible before leaving office. Various options were considered. As reported by Seymour Hersh, in late 2007 the Bush-Cheney administration received congressional approval for its request for $400 million to lau...
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.