It is perhaps fitting that the person regarded as the world's #1 intellectual, Noam Chomsky, spoke the other day at the Riverside Church in New York - the same venue and pulpit occupied by such luminaries as Martin Luther King, the Dalai Llama, Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela.
His talk was entitled "Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours". Chomsky examined U.S. political policies over the past few decades and encouraged the audience to challenge neoliberalism, military intervention and capitalism.
The Indypendent, of New York, reports:
"The crowd rose as Chomsky walked to the podium. The 80-year-old MIT professor explained the title of the lecture by contrasting the so-called crises of the first world countries with more pressing humanitarian concerns amongst impoverished peoples.
“Bailing out banks is not utmost in the minds of the people now facing starvation, not forgetting the tens of millions enduring hunger in the richest country in the world,” he said."
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