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Press Freedom in the US. Oh Yeah?

It will probably surprise some, but the decision is in. The USA, despite its First Amendment, ranks poorly in press freedom. Who says? Reporters Without Borders.

The Huffington Post reports in "Is America Still a Beacon for Press Freedom?":

"The United States of America -- land of the free, home of the First Amendment -- is supposed to be a beacon for the rest of the world. So where do we stand in the latest global rankings of press freedom?


That's not a typo. It's a national disgrace.

The Press Freedom Index released last week by Reporters Without Borders reflects both the freedoms journalists enjoy as well as the "efforts made by the authorities to respect and ensure respect for this freedom."

The annual rankings examine the way that financial pressures lead to self-censorship in the press, government abuses of the press, as well as murders, imprisonment and physical abuse of journalists.

While there are currently no jailed journalists in America, Reporters Without Borders said there are many concerns about the U.S. media. "Journalists are guardians of democracy whose rights must be protected around the world, not least in the United States, to which emerging democracies look for guidance, and where free speech is an inalienable right explicitly protected by the Constitution," Reporters Without Borders declared. "This situation is unacceptable for the country known for its First Amendment rights."


Jason Parkinson said…
in relation to Press Freedom, I just produced this film in association with the National Union of Journalists.

Have a look at how the RSF figures list the UK pretty low, but the reality on the street is very different.

Feel free to get in touch.
Unknown said…
In recent years American press freedom has eroded. Many other countries are now ranked freer than the United States -- all of the Scandinavian countries, Belgium, the Netherlands, New Zealand and many others, perhaps unique in the world, our law protects the advocacy of dangerous, potentially divisive ideas.It also is true that American journalists have not been physically attacked based on what they report, at least at home . In some other countries, journalists risk harassment or worse for reporting that offends government officials or powerful figures.
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