We have all read about the current issue in Cyprus - the banks shutting their doors for days and days and residents denied access to their money - and the general economic woes across much of Europe (principally, Greece, Portugal and Spain) but this piece " Shredded Social Safety Net: European Austerity Costing Lives " on Spiegel OnLine International reports on a much wider issue confronting the peoples of Europe - a medically-related one. "As the euro crisis wears on, the tough austerity measures implemented in ailing member states are resulting in serious health issues, a study revealed on Wednesday. Mental illness, suicide rates and epidemics are on the rise, while access to care has dwindled. The rigid austerity measures brought on by the euro crisis are having catastrophic effects on the health of people in stricken countries, health experts reported on Wednesday. Not only have the fiscal austerity policies failed to improve the economic situation in these count...
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.