The naysayers can say and do what they want, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore - which we do at our own peril - the ever-increasing stats and warnings about climate change. Another study just out, as reported on CommonDreams, details the latest findings.
Map of Antarctica and annual spatial footprint of the Byrd temperature record. (Image: Nature Geoscience)
"The litany of extreme weather events this year and the mounting discoveries supplied by climate scientists have made 2012 a year in which the realities of a warmer planet make ignoring the impacts of human caused climate change no longer possible.

Nearly routine record-breaking heat waves; historic droughts and massive flooding destroyed croplands; fierce storms fueled 'surges' that destroyed homes and lives throughout North America; a late season typhoon wracked an island nation, killing nearly 1500; and the list goes on.
Even as author and activist Rebecca Solnit writes that 2012 has already "put the [climate] crisis in perspective," the news keeps coming with just published research showing that the very coldest corners of our planet are the regions that are heating up the quickest, with dramatic consequences for sea-level rise.
A study released Sunday by the journal Nature Geoscience reports that average annual temperatures in West Antarctica have risen 4.3 degrees Fahrenheit since the 1950s, one of the fastest gains on the planet."