Perhaps the story is apocryphal but there is the tale of a wife booking a table at a restaurant to celebrate her wedding anniversary - for a party of 3! When reaching the table the husband enquires of his wife for whom the 3rd setting is for. Your mobile/cell phone the wife retorts.
Perhaps, as reported on The Unofficial Apple Weblog, one restaurant has come up with an answer to a mobile/cell phone intruding on a dinner a deux.
"Ever have a date look at you sideways because you can't refrain from Instagramming your meal? If you need some persuasion to kick the distracted dining habit, then you may want to visit Eva Restaurant in Los Angeles, California. Owner Mark Gold is running an interesting promotion that'll give you a 5 percent discount on your meal if you check your cell phone at the door.
Gold told Airtalk, a radio show on Southern California's 89.3 KPCC, that he did this for his customers. Gold says, "It's about two people sitting together and just connecting, without the distraction of a phone, and we're trying to create an ambience where you come in and really enjoy the experience and the food and the company."
Of course, this promotion only works if customers are willing to let go of their handset. Would you drop your iPhone off at the door for a discount or would you rather take other measures to coax you to talk and not tweet on your date?"