From CommonDreams:
"The numbers continue to astound. The GOP House plan to slash over $900 million from three federal nutrition programs could deprive up to 500,000 women, infants and children - and they threw in some seniors for good measure - of the food they need. Most of that - $833 million - is equivalent to one week’s worth of Bush tax cuts for the rich. It would reduce the federal deficit by less than one-tenth of a percent. They call this "righting the ship." Positively Orwellian."
"The numbers continue to astound. The GOP House plan to slash over $900 million from three federal nutrition programs could deprive up to 500,000 women, infants and children - and they threw in some seniors for good measure - of the food they need. Most of that - $833 million - is equivalent to one week’s worth of Bush tax cuts for the rich. It would reduce the federal deficit by less than one-tenth of a percent. They call this "righting the ship." Positively Orwellian."