What with the head of the IMF in the news in relation to the charges now brought against him in New York, much attention has been focused on how French men behave in relation to their womenfolk.
Quite different to most men in other countries - and the women seem, at least up to now, been quite tolerant of what many outside France would regard as unacceptable behavior.
Now comes a book, La Seduction - How the French Play the Game of Life, reviewed in The New York Times.
What the author writes ought to give pause for thought. One small vignette from the Times' book review:
"Of course Mr. Strauss-Kahn, the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund, is (or was) a member of this French private-jet set. And it is when analyzing politicians that the book is most revealing. We learn that almost every French leader in history except Charles de Gaulle has been “un grand séducteur,” and that Nicolas Sarkozy can’t quite manage it because he doesn’t have the slick manners of previous presidents."