That most right-thinking people look forward to seeing George W, VP Cheney and all that motley lot gone goes without saying! Much will yet be written about the 8 Bush years and how he, Cheney, Rumsfeld [remember him?] and all their neo-con cronies, spivs and "friends", like AIPAC, et al, got the US, and the world, into the mess it now finds itself in.
The sort of man who led the free world, George Shrub is "dealt with" by Maureen Dowd in her latest column "An Extremist Makover" in the NY Times as follows:
"From Gaza to the unemployment figures to the $10.6 trillion debt, things keep spiraling while W. keeps fiddling. Just as when he was in the National Guard and didn’t bother to show up, now, as the scabrous consequences of his missteps shake the economy and the world, he doesn’t bother to show up. He’s checked out — spending his time on more than a dozen exit interviews that do nothing to change his image as a president who was over his head and under Cheney’s spell.
Asked by People magazine what moments from the last eight years he revisited most often, W. talked passionately about the pitch he threw out at the World Series in 2001: “I never felt that anxious any other time during my presidency, curiously enough.”
One can only shake one's head....... Read the entire column here.
The sort of man who led the free world, George Shrub is "dealt with" by Maureen Dowd in her latest column "An Extremist Makover" in the NY Times as follows:
"From Gaza to the unemployment figures to the $10.6 trillion debt, things keep spiraling while W. keeps fiddling. Just as when he was in the National Guard and didn’t bother to show up, now, as the scabrous consequences of his missteps shake the economy and the world, he doesn’t bother to show up. He’s checked out — spending his time on more than a dozen exit interviews that do nothing to change his image as a president who was over his head and under Cheney’s spell.
Asked by People magazine what moments from the last eight years he revisited most often, W. talked passionately about the pitch he threw out at the World Series in 2001: “I never felt that anxious any other time during my presidency, curiously enough.”
One can only shake one's head....... Read the entire column here.