Eighteen things you've already forgotten about the media's flawed coverage of Iraq.....
Mother Jones has a piece by Greg Mitchell in which he deals with his book So Wrong for So Long:
"In putting together my new book, So Wrong for So Long, on Iraq and the media, I revisited the good, the bad, and the ugly in war coverage from the run-up to the invasion through the five years of controversy that followed. Even though I monitored the coverage closely all along, I was continually surprised to come across once-prominent names, quotes, and incidents that had faded to obscurity."
A fascinating list - and worth remembering when one hears our politicians still sprouting.......
Mother Jones has a piece by Greg Mitchell in which he deals with his book So Wrong for So Long:
"In putting together my new book, So Wrong for So Long, on Iraq and the media, I revisited the good, the bad, and the ugly in war coverage from the run-up to the invasion through the five years of controversy that followed. Even though I monitored the coverage closely all along, I was continually surprised to come across once-prominent names, quotes, and incidents that had faded to obscurity."
A fascinating list - and worth remembering when one hears our politicians still sprouting.......