The media seems to have left Iraq off the radar of late - probably because of the way politicians have portrayed things in the war-torn country being on the improve. Yes, the American death-count is down but that is the end of the matter. The realities are actually recorded by Dahr Jamail in his Mideast Dispatches : "Despite all the claims of improvements, 2007 has been the worst year yet in Iraq. One of the first big moves this year was the launch of a troop "surge" by the U.S. government in mid-February. The goal was to improve security in Baghdad and the western al-Anbar province, the two most violent areas. By June, an additional 28,000 troops had been deployed to Iraq, bringing the total number up to more than 160,000. By autumn, there were over 175,000 U.S. military personnel in Iraq. This is the highest number of U.S. troops deployed yet, and while the U.S. government continues to talk of withdrawing some, the numbers on the ground appear to contradict these ...
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.