In what seems a war with no end in sight, Glenn Greenwald in "Major discovery: a purpose of the war in Afghanistan" in Salon examines a report just published in The Washington Post and concludes that the war would seem endless if the premise of the Post's article is correct.
(Of course, the goal of ridding Afghanistan of all those who want to fight us will never happen precisely because the American military presence in their country produces an endless supply of American-hating fighters -- just as the Soviet military presence there once did, and just as the general War on Terror [and its various bombings, detentions, occupations, assassinations and the like] ensures that Terrorism never ends by producing an endless supply of American-hating Terrorists -- but that's just a detail. All wars have challenges. At least we can now see the very important purpose of the war in Afghanistan: we stay until there's nobody left who hates us and wants us gone, then we triumphantly depart.)"