As the US debates the Patriot Act and all its ramifications - and we here in Australia have draconian laws giving Federal agencies almost unfettered rights infringing on people's liberties and hard-fought common law rights - comes news out of America that a Veteran Affairs nurse who wrote a letter to the editor of her local newspaper critical of the Bush Administration was investigated for sedition.
Yes, you read that correctly! Sedition!
Read an interview with the nurse in question [and an attorney from the American Civil Liberties Union] in AlterNet here - and be truly fearful of how giving "power" to Government can lead to consequences which most ordinary people would not have even remotely contemplated.
Yes, you read that correctly! Sedition!
Read an interview with the nurse in question [and an attorney from the American Civil Liberties Union] in AlterNet here - and be truly fearful of how giving "power" to Government can lead to consequences which most ordinary people would not have even remotely contemplated.