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Showing posts from May, 2021

The World Wakes Up

To say that Israel has wrought death and destruction on the Gazans is an oxymoron.   That has been known to those who have taken an interest and followed events in the Middle East - and,  in particular, Israel and the Palestinians. All too sadly the media has been craven to following the Israel perspective on what has been happening over the years.   The Palestinians have barely figured so that not only has the world not really known or understood what has been happening but what suffering the Palestinians have been going through.    The most recent events have shone light on the whole situation.    And the world doesn't like what it has seen.    The tide has been turned as this piece on Mondoweiss explains.    ‘ NYT’ puts faces of 60+ slain Palestinian children on front page, at last "The New York Times does an unprecedented thing for a paper that has long supported Israel...