Nguyen Qui Duc, a former journalist in the United States, runs an arts space in Hanoi. Today marks 40 years since the end of the Vietnam War - and Duc writes in The New York Times on how the then seemingly never-ending war is viewed in America and, by contrast, in Vietnam. "To this day, the Vietnamese government celebrates its victory on April 30, and throughout the country grand official celebrations have been orchestrated for this year’s 40th anniversary. Yet few Vietnamese are paying attention, and for those who are, the regime’s attempt to glorify its past only seems to underline its failures at present. In America, I used to have to explain that “Vietnam” wasn’t just a war, but a country with a history, a culture and a people. Here the Vietnamese accuse me of being obsessed with the war — the American War, as they call it. It’s true that for me and many Americans, “Nam” is still on in some ways, with stubborn questions about what went wrong then and how the same ...
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.