Obama, with an eye on the electorate and more particularly the Israel Lobby in the US, has spoken on the American position on the Middle East. It's basically the usual platitudes and empty rhetoric - just better "packaged" than George Bush would have. Robert Fisk , writing in The Independent , suggests that where it matters, in the Middle East, Obama's words have basically meant naught . "This month, in the Middle East, has seen the unmaking of the President of the United States. More than that, it has witnessed the lowest prestige of America in the region since Roosevelt met King Abdul Aziz on the USS Quincy in the Great Bitter Lake in 1945. While Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu played out their farce in Washington – Obama grovelling as usual – the Arabs got on with the serious business of changing their world, demonstrating and fighting and dying for freedoms they have never possessed. Obama waffled on about change in the Middle East – and about America...
Old enough to know better, young enough not to care.